Wide Awake

Here is little miss Saige hanging out with Daddy. She seems to be growing so fast! It's hard to believe that she's already 3 weeks old. Monday was Brodie's first day back to work after his almost month long holiday. It was hard to let him go! It has allowed me to start figuring out my daily routine though. Two children sure is alot more work than one!! It's alot harder, but it's also alot of fun. Makenna is a great big sister! There hasn't been any jealousy which really surprised me. Every once in a while she'll run over and give Saige a kiss and then go back to whatever she was doing... it's really sweet. Saige is waking up to feed, so I must go!
Shit I got first post!! I can't wait to get the means of uploading those pics I got of her!!! It will happen soon, but you'll have to expect a visit from us before that happens, as we have to get BACK there to get our camera shit.
bleh. shes gorgeous tho!!
OMG she is beautiful! see you guys this weekend! we are heading down Saturday am, baby dylan or not! can't wait to see you all....
luv Jac
Wow, does she ever look like Daddy AND Mommy! She looks great! Happy, Healthy and Loved! What a lucky baby, what a lucky family!
Oh Brodie and Lindsey! .She looks just like bro as a baby!! U too Lindsey but I can't believe how she looks like her daddy . Please kiss Makenna for me and if you see Siobhan tell her we found a very special rock for her which Maeve picked out! I haven;t found anything special for you yet but I will I promise! and for baby Saige too!
I miss you and love you all!!
WoW the first thing I noticed was the nose. She won't be short of OC2 with those nostrils. She is very cute and there is nothing wrong with her feet either.
Look at her eyes looking at her dad that is enough to melt your heart isn’t it.
I think she has dad wrapped around her finger start saving all your money cause she is going to get it Brod.
what a beautiful baby girl, I cant wait to meet her tomorrow, and squeeze all of you for doing such a fabulous job!!!!
Thanx for the nostril comments, but i've heard enough of them thanx.
Her nostrils are flared cause I'm not there. she misses us,and loves us more than all of you, I know this because she told me.
I could use more pictures tho, you stingey bastards.
yes I am looking for more pics too!! I miss you all and will see you soon!
Hi Makenna !! Hi Saige!
love ya
ooh spammed.
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