Saige Comes Home!!!

Sleep time (which is most of the time)

First bath (at home) she kinda liked it

Hey everyone, its about time that I do a post of my own, I'm a daddy now! ....scarey but true, I have proof too, check her toes out...they're my micro clones, We thought we'd let everyone know we recieved the clock and it's displayed on our livingroom wall, Thanx Mike and Danica for the clock, and also for that heart wrenching blog you put up...that ment alot to us...
It feels great to be a dad, she couldn't be cuter, I cant take my eyes off her, her face is getting blisters from kisses, she makes the cutest faces when she sleeps...Jason and Barb, Robyn and Siobhan are coming to see her tonight, im sad that Todd, and Row, and all of the Mussallem's can't see her, cuz she's so DAMN cute.
I will leave you guys with a foot comparison photo, enjoy.
You fucker you made me cry while narrating for Mike.
your feet are disgusting, your baby is gorgeous. I'm so proud of all of you.
I got a bit teary eyed too. Brodie you look so happy. I wish that we could be there to share this with you and meet Saige. But I guess for now pictures will have to do, so keep blogging! Congratulations on being a new Daddy.
Awww brodie I went from misty eyed to grumpface in 4 pictures as soon as I saw the aliens...Have you ever heard of footbinding, or for that matter a cuticle cutter? Oh well I am happy to see she has her eyes open now, She definately has your baby blues baby bro, I am soo proud of you and know you will make a good daddy. I will put my own set of blisters when i erode the side of her cheeks with my hurricane of kisses when i come and visit.
Love ya
Uncle Tig
awww Brodie! you are the sweetest little daddy every! She is a lucky little girl! She is so lovely! she does really look a lot like you did as a baby...and the feet, well, no words can describe that likeness. Congrats Lindsay! you did have a bit to do with this too! I bet you can't believe she's finally here!
luv you guys, can't wait to kiss her face off too! Hi Makenna!!
luv Jac a gogo and Uncapapa Rob
Oh brodie,
your first post was great. i laughed because of the clock, cried because of the clock... and screamed a bit but only because you have passed on the creepy toe gene!
love you, love saige, love linds and love the makadoodlenut
oh that clock! I will never forget Vashti, in her beautiful wedding attire, parading that clock around the hall...the stunned looks of, well,...I can't explain the looks! which reminds me of Vashti singing "I am your lady" to whomever came into view...oh Michael, you lucky dog you!
So nice to see the clock passed on to the proud new daddy, only fitting! Brodie, your blog made me cry too! Saige is a beautiful little baby, so like you as a wee one, yet she looks like Lindsay too..If only she had webbed toes!
Hey Rowena! good to see you checking out all the blogs! Hey Danky, you do realize when you get married, you get the clock back, right?
Barb and Jason need a blog spot!!!
luv to all, Jac
Congrats to your little family!
She is so beautiful (except her feet)of course. I am so very proud of the cutness that this family brings to the world, our babies are so cute it's crazy! Bro and Linds you are so fantastical I am so happy have you as family!!
Loves to you all
Ruggs and "The Bon"
HApPy HaLlOwEeN!!! Lindsey,brodie,makenna..and wee saige! Boo! Love Heather and Hailey
Look people, I can't just hop over and visit so you are going to have to post some new pictures. I know I know, new baby and second baby makes everything harder but please...i'm dying for some new pics!
love you all SO much
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