So Tired

It's been a while since I've posted pictures of Makenna. Here are a few random pics I took the other day. They look so sweet and innocent when they're asleep, don't they.
Exhaustion has taken over my life in the last week or so. I forgot how difficult everything is during the end of pregnancy. I think that this time is much harder than last... no napping whenever I feel tired and when I don't sleep at night, I still have to get up early. Only 10 more days to go. To me every day feels like a week though!! It is going to be nice because Brodie is taking his holidays and will be off for 24 days with us. It'll be a great help to me and will also give him lots of time to bond with Saige. It's going to be hard to let him go when he goes back to work!
awww she is so peaceful!! Not the lil jabberjaws that she is when she is awake. Soon there will be a little sister to be angelic when she is asleep too!!!
I can hardly wait!
love IT
Sweet god I love that Mackenna girl, shes so freaking great, even in sleep!!
I ACTUALLY get emotional when I realize that Brodie is gonna be a dad (moreso)...I'm gonna be a ball of sap when you guys finally have her...I can't wait, but man I'm gonna be retarded....shit now I'm crying. I AM MOM.
awww sleepy Makenna! Maeve has that same pillow! Yes Danica, you are Mom.. I can't wait the 10 days either linds.. i've always said you'll go early and i hope more than ever you do! Love you guys and hang in there
Ha ha, I am checking the blog every single day now. I was premature and that baby looks ready to hatch, And what was moms guess? 7/11? Man sorry to say lindsey you have a behemoth child brewing, I am gonna say 10lbs flat. I hope you have kept up on your yoga. And thats a good boy taking his holidays to spend on 3am feedings, 11pm diaper trips and that cute look that all new fathers get in thier eyes, Fear and anquish with a mix of thier soul being shattered, ooo with burst blood vessels and bits of cheerios....cherish these moments.
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