32Weeks and 36Weeks
Only 3 weeks and 3 days until this baby is here! Sorry about the lack of posts everyone. There hasn't really been much new to share. The days seem to be dragging on and on and on!! I am enjoying a much needed relaxing weekend at the moment. Makenna is off spending some time with her daddy. I'm enjoying this while I can because this is probably one of the last weekends I will have alone for a very very long time!!!

Only 3 weeks and 3 days until this baby is here! Sorry about the lack of posts everyone. There hasn't really been much new to share. The days seem to be dragging on and on and on!! I am enjoying a much needed relaxing weekend at the moment. Makenna is off spending some time with her daddy. I'm enjoying this while I can because this is probably one of the last weekends I will have alone for a very very long time!!!
AND Gummaluvvy dragged her around all day to garage sales and shopping and not a word of complaint. Maybe Saige will come along early cuz she sure is makin her Mama hurt lots. We sure scored for Siobhan and Makenna at the Garage sales though. Can't wait for them to see the things we got.
Wooo waiting with baited breath, And yes your house is soon to be filled up with a needy complaining helpless soul suckling the life out of your nipples, And the baby's coming soon too!, Anyhow I am glad you have stabilized in size, keep the posts coming, DAMN mom 5 in the fricking morning...your a fiend.
Love ya
Unca Tig
oooh Linds.. you still look so great! Can't you get fat, dumpy and miserable like I did? haha no of course not!! I can't wait to meet Saige. She looks so cute in those ultrasounds I'm sure her cuteness has grown exponentially! It is going to be so exciting for you... and I can't WAIT to hear Brodie's baby's laugh! Think it will be like his or sweet like yours? haha my money is on his!
ooh looks like you'll be getting the clock soon.
oh,and linds, you can turn and look at the camera, these look like mug shots!! MAKE LOVE TO THE CAMERA!!
When do we start guessing the weight and time of birth?? H&H xx
Well the time will be planned, but I am still waiting to hear from the hospital. As for the birth weight I am going to guess 7lbs 4oz
I guess 7 11 girl!! lol umm dont know what time..anywho..I keep checking for new pic's..and you need to get your cockatiel book..ok ttyl luv ya heather
hey lindsay! almost baby time hey..can't wait to see little missy Saige! Hi to makenna and Bro! love you guys..Jac
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