Smiley Girl

It's just so amaizing when she smiles at me.. I love it! Her whole face just lights up. Today it's only us two, so we're spending the morning relaxing and snuggling together. Makenna is back at Vicki's two days a week and she seems to be really enjoying it. I can't believe Christmas is so soon. We have a Christmas party to go to this weekend at Gogo's farm where we will cut down our tree. It should be fun. The kids get their picture taken with Santa and he gives them a present. I'm not sure thats a good thing though.. my mom knows the guy who plays Santa there and apparently he's a bit of a drunk with a potty mouth. She said that one time a little girl asked him if he was the same Santa as last year and he said "Yep, I'm the same old Fucker"! lol I can't believe it. I will be keeping a close eye!
OMG Lindsey....could cure her of santa for good...hope he is not on the bottle when she goes up or she will put him in his place!
Love ya
OH ya and FIRST POST!!
FUCK I just left a comment about how Mike is playing with his sparkly blue balls and how the gogos are weird and stupid blogger ate it.
Cute pics, blogger must die.
haha Tig, such good memories! I was surprised to hear I have a farm, but slightly less so to find a drunken santa in residence..Lindsay, the baby is so beautiful! what a smile, warms my heart just looking at her picture!Dan, too much information about Mike...haven't even met the bloke yet and now I have this picture...
the real Gogo
OMG she's so cute. Make her stop, Todd is wanting to have babies now, even more than before. Why is Santa so scary these days? Between that freaky looking Santa thing over here and your crazy Santa in Port McNeil... what's happening? I thought he was supposed to a big old jolly dude.
Last thing I heard, the crazy rum soaked santa of McNeil just became a blushing grandpappy!!
Oh, and as for Mikes balls....I'm merely keeping pure till the wedding....unlike the rest of the whorey family I was dropped into.
Seems like all you folks have made Santa spend too much time on the "Naughty List" and now he's corrupted.
Score one more convert for the family that puts the FUN in dysfunction!
See y'all soon.
Bro and Linds, we are hiding the whip cream thingy!!!
Oh right - mom too!
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