Saige Comes Home!!!

Sleep time (which is most of the time)

First bath (at home) she kinda liked it

Hey everyone, its about time that I do a post of my own, I'm a daddy now! ....scarey but true, I have proof too, check her toes out...they're my micro clones, We thought we'd let everyone know we recieved the clock and it's displayed on our livingroom wall, Thanx Mike and Danica for the clock, and also for that heart wrenching blog you put up...that ment alot to us...
It feels great to be a dad, she couldn't be cuter, I cant take my eyes off her, her face is getting blisters from kisses, she makes the cutest faces when she sleeps...Jason and Barb, Robyn and Siobhan are coming to see her tonight, im sad that Todd, and Row, and all of the Mussallem's can't see her, cuz she's so DAMN cute.
I will leave you guys with a foot comparison photo, enjoy.