Sunny Day!

It is so nice out today, so I brought Saige outside to play in the grass for a little while. She was really interested in the grass.. she kept feeling it with her hands and kicking it with her feet. It was cute! Makenna is at Vicki's today and I'm really missing her! Tuesday's can be hard sometimes because she just gets back from her Dad's and then she's home for a day then off to Vicki's. Tonight we are going to bbq up some burgers and hang out outside.. I'm looking forward to it!
Hey when I tried to put Saige's Daddy on the grass, he would pull his little feet up in the air and hang on to me for dear life. Jacqui/aka bubbles/aka gogo used to laugh for hours at us. so you are brave my darling lil Saige!! (and it doesn't run in the family)
on our side at least!!
love you and i miss makenna too!!!
haha I remember that Ev! Saige is soo sooo sweet! beautiful pics Lindsay! She is sitting up like such a big girl, Hi to Makenna!!! and Brodie too, take care and keep em coming!
luv Jac a gogo
aww there is my sweet fat fatty fatkins tub o love.
Good to see she is enjoying the weather! We sat outside today with the chicks and read for a few was nice, they think I'm their mom, and emilee is their protector.
Emilee saved them from the cat was great!
What a cute little/big blubber pot.
SHe is growing soooo fast!!! Look at her all sitting up and grown up like!
Poor Makadoodle doo on the transition front. The good n ews is Linds, you are a great Mommy and Brodie and Lanny make the best dad! Sooo all together you guys are unstoppable!
She is getting so big and beautiful, just like her big sister. and look at those beautiful blue eyes!!!! Good job you guys!!
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