Mt. Washington
This weekend we went up to Mt. Washington for my birthday. We went with my Mom, my Auntie Carol, Steph and Stef, and the kids. It was a lot of fun! We did some tubing and sledding, but we spent most of our time in the cabin relaxing. The first pics are of the cabin we stayed in. There will be some videos to come..

OMG after the pictures we just found, Saige is the image of her daddy AND Bro is the image of his!!
those blue eyes are amazing!!
looks like you all had a good time too.
loves ya
Great time!! If the walk in and Bro's farts did'nt kill me I know I'll live to be a ripe old age!!
What a wonderful weekend!
Kids all had a good time and soooo well behaved. Love to all Mom...Grandma Shelley
doood that last picture makes me cry.
So glad you're back (even if its for a short time) Now I got my muffins back!
Glad you had fun and happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feck, I thought i had first posts, Wow awesome pics, and happy b day little lindzie loo, Its nice to see pics of the family, Man that cabin looks pretty pish posh, Any major rack outs on the ski's or tubes. I am going to look at em again. Ta, Oh stay tuned for ours we are going to hit the waterslides this weekend and I am gonna be donning the ol banana hammock just for you guys,
Love ya
Ps, man is that kid ever cute, and damn Mckenna topless in front of the fireplace??? You must of taken photo pose lessons from your mom, Slutty!
HAPPY B DAY LINDSAY! looks like a blast, what a great idea, everyone looks like they are having fun! I love the mantle ornaments..
luv Jac
Happy Birthday!!! Looks like a fun and cozy way to spend it!! Your children are both beautiful, as are both of you!!!
Incase anyone is wondering, blogger will not let us sign in from our computer so we're unable to post. We will as soon as we can!
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