Playing in my tent that Uncle Chris got me for Christmas...

Makenna loves her baby sis!
Well I'm happy to say that everyone is feeling better! We're still not sure what Makenna's rash was.. the doctor said it was an allergic reaction, but I got the same rash a few days later. Very stange. Saige rolled over for the first time a few days ago! She is getting so big. Makenna is starting to enjoy her alot more now that she can entertain her and make her smile. Almost every morning she sits with her in the chair and watches cartoons for about ten minutes.. it's very cute...she gets mad at me when I take Saige away. Brodie got a beautiful new truck last week. It's a 2007 F150. It is very nice! Anywho, I'm off to bed.. Goodnight!
Great post Linds! love the pictures, boy Unca Chris got some good gifts this year! that looks like a lot of fun. Kiss your girls! Saige is growing up too fast!
Congrats Brodie on the new truck, that is exciting (where is the pic of it?)
hope to see you all soon,
luv Jac
Wow that's some tent! The girls are so adorable together. You are lucky to have such a wonderful family.
Aww Mak is a great big sister!!! Saige sure loves her! We all have to work for an hour to get her to even look at us, let alone a smile, Mak, her mom or dad walk into the room and shes SO SMILEY! GAWD SAIGE!
Love you all!
-The favorite of all.
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