Hello everyone. Sorry about my laziness with blogger! Everything is going good here. The girls are great considering we've been stuck in this house all week (I can't drive my car yet). Makenna got one little break away thanks to her wonderful Auntie Danica. She goes to her dads tonight though, so it will be good for her to get some play time in with the kids! Saige is getting smarter by the second.. her vocabulary is growing quickly! She's become this whole new baby who very social now.. I love it! These pictures are kind of random.. I've been lazy with my camera too..

Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My little dancers
Makenna is so awesome. I love my girls! I think I started crying like three times when I was editing these videos!! So Saige is finally a big girl with no ba ba's!! We took the bottle away 4 days ago and she's FINALLY sleeping through the night!!!!!!! YAY for us!!!! I feel great!! And Brodie does too!!