What's wrong with this picture?!?!
No, you are not hallucinating.. Saige is actually taking a bottle!!!! After the last two nights of her deciding she needs to nurse for 8 hours straight, we decided enough is enough! I pumped a bottle this morning and fought with her a little bit and she finally gave in! YAY! Now hopefully the rest of the day goes smoothly! Here are some pics we took yesterday..
My beautiful eyes look just like my Auntie Caca's!!

Makenna loves Saige so much!
My little monkey
The cutest bum crack ever!
omfg, eyes and a buttcrack like your aunties!! Sorry about those genetics!! Suck it up while people think its cute, that doesn't last long!!!
-Danica and her flock of fowl
Aww you're girls are so sweet. I can't wait to meet Saige. Her eye's look just like Auntie Caca's and she looks a lot like her Daddy too!
my goodness Lindsey now we can have her for an overnight (or a week or a year.....or maybe just have her!!)
signed her loving and greedy,
gummanonieluvvy and pa
ohhh jeez is she ever cute! the buttcrack is a little too familiar to me!! hahaha poor Saige!
Makenna you are just as cute as ever you little monkey!!
hooray on the bottle taking linds! Looks like she almost turned the liner inside out! Maybe a growth spurt!
sweet babies! need to visit...
Weird, i just has a smellovision moment, I was looking at saiges pitiful bum crack and row musta opened the fridge where something dies, cause all i could smell is bitter bitter ass, such blue eyes, I think their more like bro's, us gee's are pretty easy to please, just give us food the container doesnt really matter, I will use the dog bowl if it looks clean enough.
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