search and win

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Here are the pictures that I was trying to load from the weekend. We were at Departure Bay beach...

These next pictures were taken last night at a bbq we went to with Kyan and his daycare...

Monday, August 28, 2006

32 weeks

28 weeks...


There's quite a difference in size this month! And I'm supposed to continue this for another 8 weeks? It doesn't seem possible to me!!! I am trying to post some more pictures from the weekend, but blogger won't let me so I'll have to try later.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Emilys Visit

Emily came to the farm for a few days while Mom and Dad went to Vancouver. Makenna loved having her around! So did I, except for her extremely unpleasant ass!! I guess she had been sneaking Andys food and the diet change didn't go over so well! Here are some pictures that Makenna took of Emily and my gigantic belly...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Fun at the VIX

Yesterday we went with Grandma Nonie to see the animals at the VIX...

Nice hair!

What a great mother I am.. here I'm telling her "pet the horsey honey, pet the horsey!" and the sign clearly says not to! I would have felt really bad, and stupid, if she had lost a hand!!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

New Car!

Check out our new family car!! Isn't it beautiful? And it has 4 doors!!!!! I am totally in love! The guy gave us a very good deal and even took the piece of crap metro off of our hands. The inside is totally immaculate and it runs perfectly. I'm so happy!

Makenna has been practicing using the digital camera and she's very good.. look at these pics she took of bro..

Here is Makenna's most recent work of art.. it is a sunshine, a rainbow, a little animal, and a hand with claws...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

At the Beach

Yesterday Brodie had the day off, so we went to the beach. Brodie found some prawns buried in the sand. We weren't really sure what they were at first... they are pretty weird looking when they're alive. Here are some more random pics...

Yes my daughter is definately one of a kind...