Today the girls visited the dentist! I was brushing makenna's teeth before the appointment and I noticed something on her gum... it was a big tooth!! I'm not sure how we managed to miss it concidering we brush her teeth every day. The tooth grew in behind her baby tooth so she may have to get her baby tooth pulled if it doesn't fall out before her appointment in January. They told us to keep wiggling it to try to make it come loose. Hopefully it works! The tooth is very far back, but the dentist said that once the baby tooth is out it should move foreward from the tongue pressure.
It was Saige's first check up!! She did SOOOOO good. It was the cutest thing.. she layed there with her mouth open and let them clean her teeth. She even closed her lips around the sucker thing. I was on the verge of crying pretty much the whole time!!

It was Saige's first check up!! She did SOOOOO good. It was the cutest thing.. she layed there with her mouth open and let them clean her teeth. She even closed her lips around the sucker thing. I was on the verge of crying pretty much the whole time!!
Makenna's tooth 
They have the coolest little play room there with a tiny wooden kitchen
They have the coolest little play room there with a tiny wooden kitchen
HAHAHHAHAAH OK that IS the cutest post ever!! Such big brave girls!!! I HATE the sucker thing! That alone makes me want to cry!! Keep on wiggling Makadoo, just fair warning, don't show auntie, auntie doesn't like the look of wiggly teeth!
Oh sweet, I should get a kitchen like that for Row, its super cute, I used to love playing house when there were like fake food and stuff, I guess I was always a huge homo, Hmmm I remember myself as being so cool too. Sweet post, Ps. the Patient Oral Hygiene demeanor is from our side of the family, Mom would KILL us if we had a cavity.
Love Unca Tiggy
Hahaha ok that pic of them playing in the kitchen where mak is in the fridge doing something TOTALLY looks like you..(loo) Can't explain the short statured bald person near the oven but it totally looks like a normal sized kitchen with a lindsey fussing about in there!
so cute! wow Saige was so GOOd for that!! did you drug her first?? great first big one mac....take care guys, miss you all!
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